Saturday evening we had our 2nd dinner party with Joy’s friends at Emily’s house. The group is growing so we need big locations to hold every everyone’s growing family. Its always fun to get together to share stories and the newborns, and joke about how tired everyone is now a days. There was so much food to enjoy and i like how different but similar in the types of food that we ate that night.
We don’t really have themes for her parties because we’re the only ones who really make anything. This time around i tried my first attempt at making grilled pork skewers moo ping (not to be confused with satays). Moo Ping tend to be a little sweeter in flavor and isn’t served with peanut sauce.
Joy focused on dessert and went with the traditional way of making Mango Sticky Rice. We’ve both tried the microwave version and have failed miserably so this time Joy went with the steamer and it came out pretty close to perfect.