LA County Museum of Art

After all these years i’ve finally made it to the LACMA. I guess its just one of those things you end up doing after you have kids because, well there aren’t as many options as you once had. I invited my parents along since they were going to stop by anyways.


Luckily there was a table setup outside the entrance that told us that kids under the age of 18 can get in free and get in an adult with them too. That saved us $15 for an adult admission. Too bad the museum isn’t a little closer because i’m sure we would go more often.

thailand-artWe started off checking out some art from Southeast Asia which included some stuff from Thailand. Metropolis-IIMetropolis-II-aliceThe next exhibit we saw was Metropolis II by Chris Burden which was really cool. I could’ve stayed there for hours, but it runs on a timed schedule so it only runs every hour.


Lastly we visited the The Boone Children’s Gallery where kids were doing all sorts of art projects and we decided to do stamp’s alice’s feet in ink to compare with her newborn prints. I think she enjoyed getting paint on her feet.



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