Super Weekend

This past week, Joy’s parents who have been staying with us since halloween returned back to Thailand to return at some later date. Its been an interested time with them and i know Alice liked having them around, but i’m appreciating the quietness of the house again.


Saturday my mom came over for the night because Joy and I had to wake up early on Sunday for the Redondo Beach 10/5K. This allowed us to do a date night which we had to power through because Alice has been waking up in the middle of the night all week long for reasons we haven’t been able to figured out yet (night terrors, teething, or sleep walking?). We treated my mom to some Seafood at Fishing with Dynamite, but Alice didn’t get to nap before so she was super cranky throughout the meal.

At 5pm we started out by going out to watch a Taken 3 since it was the only movie we wanted to see at the time slot we needed. Its was a light hearted attempt at rounding out the series where at the end you were like, how did he still not get in trouble with all the stuff blowing up and punching people.


For dinner we went out to Father’s Office which i had been thinking about for a few months now. Its one of the few places i still want to go to that is 21+. We arrived around 8pm and it wasn’t too busy. We were able to grab a seat with a couple guys occupying a full table and enjoy our burger in peace not fighting for elbow space.


For dessert we went to Scoops LA for some ice cream and headed home before 10pm.


Sunday morning, after a rough night for Joy we got out to the race at 7am. The race course had a tough uphill start, and Joy starting walking after about mile one which at that point started upping my pace. I was doing fine up until mile two which my energy was just leaking, and everyone who i had just passed starting passing me and i could muster any extra energy. Once the finish line came into view with about 100 yards left i sprinted as best i could so i could get under 30 minutes, finishing with a time of 00:29:16 at a 00:09:26 pace. Joy didn’t do half bad either finishing at 00:35:34 at a 00:11:28 pace.


The rest of the afternoon was spent at home, doing laundry, and watching the game.

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