After 3 years of what was described to me as a backyard of a crack house, we finally got around to fixing up the backyard.
With such a large space to work with, we knew it was going to cost a lot, and it was going to take a lot of planning. We spent months try to figure out whether to go with concrete or pavers, grass or astroturf, plants or trees, patio cover or pergola and in the end we kept it simple since we were quoted into the $70,000+, and we just really wanted something usable at this point. .
My main goal was to create a larger entertainment space and keep everything else simple for the time being. The patio was cracked all over, the lawn area was uneven and didn’t have any sprinklers so we went and tore everything out. We redid our patio with cement and expanded it by an additional six feet straight to the backyard gate. We poured an addition pad by the front wall for a future shed, and planned for sprinklers and grass for the majority of yard, save 3-6 feet of planter space.
Demo took only a few days, while the long portion was just prepping the sprinklers and rebar for the cement.
Once the cement was poured and dried the backyard already started to feel livable.
With the grass finally in place, the backyard was done for now, and i finally felt safe to let the girls out into the backyard without them hurting themselves. The patio is now big enough for them to ride their scooters, and the grass soft enough for them to run wild.